d/fb8r show

I’ve marked a potential location for my piece on Sarah’s excellent floor plan of the dfbr8r space.  I’m of course open to shifting my location to make sense with the other work in the show.  I’ll look forward to speaking about this more tomorrow!

I can provide final technical requirements tomorrow, after I figure out some final things for my piece!  But, I plan to have some type of tracking (either with video camera or kinect), a laptop, and a projector. I have a pedestal I can bring to hold projector and perhaps can hide laptop and cables underneath it?  I have some clip lights, but might need assistance with additional lighting.  I’d also love to collaborate with someone who might be willing to be an ‘operator’ during my performance in exchange for me helping them with their project.  Let me know if you’re interested…

So, I guess we can discuss more tomorrow.

Thanks Nadav for organizing this and thanks to Sarah, Josh and Marla (and others?) who went to take measurements of the space.

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One Response to d/fb8r show

  1. lee says:

    I’d like to take a space perpendicular to the front door; either side is fine although the right side on the floor plan (beneath Window Display B) is preferred.

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